“When We Dead Awaken” is an adaptation from Herik Ibsen play. It was played in September 2014 for 30 nights in Hafez Hall in Tehran. The rehearsals inspired Beyn Theater Group to start Pre-Performance experience, which was a collection of separated performances to make an atmosphere to test the material we reached through our mental, body, and musical training. This performance also won the international special award of the 34th Fadjr festival.
Director: Mehdi Agahi Keshe
Playwriter: Samira Ettefagh
Performers: Mehdi Etemad, Sara Akbari, Makan Ashgvari, Niloofar Nedaei, Tahere Hazaveh, Mohammad Majd Taheri, Arash Fattahi, Yasaman Koozehgar
Photographer: Mehrdad Motejalli, Hamid Mahdavi, Hanieh Zahed, Amid Farahi
Link: Beyn Theater