
“Prometheus/Plague” is the latest production of Beyn Theater Group which was performed in December 2018 in City Theater in Tehran. This performance was developed and produced in long-term research on the contemporary human tragedy with an adaptation of Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus and the Plague by Albert Camus. It was performed in the 37th international Fadjr theater festival and the Operadagen festival in Rotterdam, Amsterdam. This performance was nominated for best directing, best choreography, best stage design, best music, best actress and was the winner of the Best Music in 37th Fadjr festival.

Director: Mehdi Agahikeshei
Performers: Sara Akbari, Mohammad Majd Taheri, Tahere Hazaveh, Niloofar Nedaei
Photographer: Alborz Taymourzadeh, Kiarash Mosayebi

Link: Beyn Theater